
Showing posts from July, 2020

Review: Dracula by Bram Stoker

Hi everyone! It's been a good while, I know... a lot has been going on during lockdown. Some good, some bad. One of the good things is that I finally launched my own art-lit magazine called Lux Lucet Zine, which gives an opportunity for artists to publish their work and reach a wider audience! You can find more information  here . I have been reading lots during lockdown, but one book in particular has stayed with me for a few weeks and I have nearly finished it (for it is 400 pages long!) and that is Dracula  (1897) by Bram Stoker. Having always wanted to read it, I finally found a copy in a second hand bookshop on Fossgate. I have to say it took me by surprise - Dracula isn't a sleazy, "oily" man after all. It's not even a love story, however many times it is depicted that way. Apparently, the closest to an accurate adaptation of the book is a 1922 silent film Nosferatu and that's all, none of the recent, more romantic, versions are. I have to a