
Showing posts from April, 2020

Review: Books I am currently reading

Hello everyone! Hope you are as well as can be during these mad times. If there is a silver lining to this, it's the fact that now it's impossible to come up with an excuse to not pick up that book that's burning in your bookcase and read it! I am (once again) juggling three books in one go (to be honest, one of them is a series of small, academic books). I just can't help it! I love alternating, although all of the works I am currently keeping near are in the factual sphere of things. You need to keep your brain active even (or especially) if you're in self-isolation! What book or creative work are you currently reading? Comment below The Silk Roads: A New History of the World by Peter Frankopan A massive yet intense yet beautiful brick of a book, covering the history of the famous Silk Roads (roads which saw the flowing of goods, religions, people, diseases etc.). The book refuses the Eurocentric view of the world history, which is taught in European s