
Showing posts from March, 2020

5+1 Reading Recommendations for Self-Isolation

Hello everyone. I would love to start of jolly, wishing that everyone's had a great week so far, alas here we are... The world is full of anger and resentment, as well as confusion and fear. Other people are happy to stay in and work creatively, so the reactions to this are all different... However, Boris has finally ordered a lockdown to happen, so no one is about and it feels like it's a Sunday, everyday! (I secretly love it...) Just remember to respect the NHS staff and the elderly and the people who might be most affected by this. Be kind and be respectful. Namaste. Whilst we are looking at possibly staying inside for weeks on end (or even months, as my university sessions are online only until September!) I thought I'd fix up a little online reading recommendations list to keep you entertained, especially if you're avoiding libraries and book stores. Here are my recommended self-isolation reads, facts and fiction, accompanied by pics from our trip to London

Extract of 'The Hawtrey Curse' and an Interview in BBC Radio York: Upload with Harry Whittaker

Click the link below for my interview and an extract of 'The Hawtrey Curse' from last Friday's episode of BBC Upload! So grateful I got into the show, it was a great experience 🙏  The programme starts at 16 minutes in and my story about a minute later, followed by the interview. Enjoy and let me know what you think! Nelli x