
Review: That I Would Dream About It by Eeva Maria al-Khazaali

  Eeva Maria al-Khazaali's second publication, Että Näkisin Siitä Unia ( That I Would Dream About It), is a unique collection of gripping poems. Stylistically alternating, That I Would Dream About It ranges from concise and witty epigrams & haiku of female experience to more gushing & anaphoric verses, such as Uni ( Dream) . The alternating styles of writing keeps the reader on their toes, and each piece of work makes the reader stop, think, re-read and think again.  Image source: Isabel Andersson @isabelsson Eeva Maria al-Khazaali Instagram @iameevamaria Buy your copy of  That I Would Dream About It  here . Eeva Maria al-Khazaali is a writer based in Northern Finland - in Oulu, to be precise. Alongside poetry work, al-Khazaali has written for a variety of magazines in both Finnish and English, hence That I Would Dream About It has been published in those two languages, making Finnish art available to readers who haven't tackled our beautiful language just yet! At t

Review: Dracula by Bram Stoker

Hi everyone! It's been a good while, I know... a lot has been going on during lockdown. Some good, some bad. One of the good things is that I finally launched my own art-lit magazine called Lux Lucet Zine, which gives an opportunity for artists to publish their work and reach a wider audience! You can find more information  here . I have been reading lots during lockdown, but one book in particular has stayed with me for a few weeks and I have nearly finished it (for it is 400 pages long!) and that is Dracula  (1897) by Bram Stoker. Having always wanted to read it, I finally found a copy in a second hand bookshop on Fossgate. I have to say it took me by surprise - Dracula isn't a sleazy, "oily" man after all. It's not even a love story, however many times it is depicted that way. Apparently, the closest to an accurate adaptation of the book is a 1922 silent film Nosferatu and that's all, none of the recent, more romantic, versions are. I have to a

Review: Books I am currently reading

Hello everyone! Hope you are as well as can be during these mad times. If there is a silver lining to this, it's the fact that now it's impossible to come up with an excuse to not pick up that book that's burning in your bookcase and read it! I am (once again) juggling three books in one go (to be honest, one of them is a series of small, academic books). I just can't help it! I love alternating, although all of the works I am currently keeping near are in the factual sphere of things. You need to keep your brain active even (or especially) if you're in self-isolation! What book or creative work are you currently reading? Comment below The Silk Roads: A New History of the World by Peter Frankopan A massive yet intense yet beautiful brick of a book, covering the history of the famous Silk Roads (roads which saw the flowing of goods, religions, people, diseases etc.). The book refuses the Eurocentric view of the world history, which is taught in European s